You've always known you were different.

At times you've thought: "Why am I so sensitive? What's wrong with me?"

You may feel weird, quirky. One of your biggest frustrations is that you soak up the emotions of others. And you wish you had an off-switch to quiet all the thinking and worrying you do. You often feel overwhelmed, and then you end up withdrawing just to get some relief. The thing is, it doesn't have to be that way.

Imagine how different your life would be if you could:

  • Disconnect from others' emotions rather than taking them on

  • Strengthen your intuition and use it to benefit yourself and others

  • Process through your emotions instead of getting stuck in them

  • Learn ways to avoid and cope with overwhelm other than withdrawing

  • Redirect your brain from obsessive thinking and worry

  • Know that you're normal, exactly as you're meant to be, and have special gifts to offer the world

What is the From Worrier-to-Warrior Program?

A 9 module video-based training program

From Worrier-to-Warrior is a self-guided, 9-module program for Highly Sensitive People who want to feel more empowered in their relationships, life and future. Whether you're brand new to self-growth or have been at it for years, I'll guide you in making discoveries and changes that are perfect for you, exactly where you're at.

When you sign up, you get

  • 9 Video Modules

    Each module has videos that explore different elements of the topic, broken into short and easily digestible segments.

  • Growth Sheets

    A Growth Sheet accompanies each module. These worksheets are full of exercises to help you apply the material to your life.

  • Audio downloads

    Enjoy meditations, a guided visualization and other audio downloads to listen to at your convenience.

  • Discussion Board

    Access the built-in discussion board to ask questions and receive responses directly from Brooke.

  • Hand-picked resources

    Each module contains a resource section with other helpful videos, books, and websites, letting you delve as deep as you'd like into each topic.

  • Discount access to group program

    1-2 times per year, From Worrier-to-Warrior is offered as a live group program in which we move through the material together. Enjoy a discounted tuition if you join the live group after purchasing the self-study program.

Course curriculum

Take a look at what you'll learn in each module:

  • 1

    Module 1: There's More to Being an HSP Than You Think

    • What it Means To Be an HSP

    • Are You an Intuitive Warrior?

    • Our Culture Shapes How We See Ourselves

    • Exploring Your Culture and How it Influenced You

    • How Hardship Affects Us as HSPs

    • Module 1 Growth Sheet

    • HSP Self-Tests and Research

    • Module 1 Extension

  • 2

    Module 2: 6 Surprising Ways Your Genes Impact Your Life

    • The Everyday Effects of Sensitivity

    • High Sensitivity, Intuition, and Energetic Boundaries

    • Responding to Our Needs as HSPs

    • Module 2 Growth Sheet

    • Practical Suggestions for an HSP-Friendly Life

    • Energetic Boundary Restoration Meditation

    • Module 2 Extension

  • 3

    Module 3: How to Own Your Sensitive Superpowers

    • Module 3 Overview

    • Exploring Our Strengths

    • Naming Our Challenges

    • Two Sides of the Same Coin

    • The Need For Self-Compassion

    • Module 3 Growth Sheet

    • Self-Compassion Meditation

  • 4

    Module 4: Befriend Your Anxiety and Restore Self-Trust

    • An Overview of Module 4

    • HSPs and Anxiety

    • The Unique Perspective That Changes Everything

    • Why Anxiety Has Everything to Do With Self-Trust

    • Avoiding Pitfalls in Healing

    • The Inner Parent at the Helm

    • Body-Based Interventions for Healing Anxiety

    • Module 4 Growth Sheet

    • Calm Place Visualization

    • Resources: Anxiety

  • 5

    Module 5: How to Decode Anxiety's Messages and Find Freedom

    • Anxiety and the Realm of Thoughts

    • How to Work with Intrusive Thoughts

    • Anxiety and the Realm of Emotions

    • Our Spirit/Soul Connection

    • Tying It All Together

    • Module 5 Growth Sheet

  • 6

    Module 6: Move Through Your Emotions With Ease

    • Module 6 Overview

    • HSPs and Emotions

    • The Importance of Feelings

    • The 3 Common Emotion Mistakes

    • Emotions Toolkit Part 1

    • Emotions Toolkit Part 2

    • Module 6 Growth Sheet

    • Calm Place Visualization

    • Menu of Emotions

    • Check the Facts

    • Resources

    • Pleasurable Activities List

  • 7

    Module 7: How to Create Powerful Energetic Boundaries

    • Energetic Boundaries 101

    • Investigating Our Own Energetic Boundaries

    • Avenues for Healing Energetic Boundaries

    • Tools and Techniques for Energetic Protection

    • How to Strengthen and Trust Your Intuition

    • Module 7 Growth Sheet

    • Return to Sender Meditation (Audio)

    • Spirit-to-Spirit Exercise (Audio)

    • Energetic Boundary Restoration Meditation (Audio)

  • 8

    Bonus Module 1: Self-Love Makeover

    • Self-Acceptance 101

    • What Gets in the Way of Self-Acceptance?

    • How to Bounce Back from Shame

    • Cultivate Self-Love

    • Module 7 Growth Sheet

    • Self-Affirmations

    • Shame Resilience Worksheet

    • Resources

  • 9

    Bonus Module 2: Cultivating Your Best Relationships

    • HSPs and Dynamic Relationships

    • Safe People and the Intimacy Circle

    • Identifying Toxic Relationship Patterns

    • Exploring Your Relationships

    • Tools for Happy, Healthy Relationships

    • Bonus Module 1 Growth Sheet

    • Personal Bill of Rights

    • Circle of Intimacy

    • Resources

  • 10

    More Bonuses

    • 50 Powerful Affirmations for Highly Sensitive People

    • Talking to Others About HSP

Get Started Now

Choose the Intuitive Warrior plan that works for you:

Creator and Instructor

HSP Coach and Therapist

Brooke Nielsen, LMFT

Brooke Nielsen is an expert psychotherapist who helps catapult Highly Sensitive People out of overwhelm and into a powerful calm. She practices in Boulder, CO and has over a decade of expertise in trauma healing. Her Intuitive Warrior Journey program helps women and men discover the gifts that lie hidden in what they thought were the worst parts of themselves.

Permission to be me

Emily R.

I experienced a sense of empowerment and pride in being an HSP and feeling more prepared to go through life with a new set of skills. Within the name ‘Intuitive Warrior,’ Brooke highlights the strengths that we hold. I felt like I was given permission to be me and to give myself breaks when I need them. I really liked the flexibility of the program and how you can access it at at your own pace. I love that you can watch the videos in any order and have access to all the wonderful tools, worksheets, and meditations. Brooke has such a warm and thoughtful presence that is extremely comforting and calming. She comes from a strength-based approach, helping each person feel empowered to continue their own personal growth. This program specifically helped me with my issues with anxiety, specific quirks of being an HSP, and helped to normalize many of my personal experiences. Further, the way the information is explained and laid out is easy to digest and understand. I would definitely recommend this program because it speaks to many different people and the commonalities that all HSPs share. It provides a safe space to explore, grow, and process different aspects of being an HSP at each person's own pace.

An expert in connection

Michele J.

Brooke is an insightful, caring and talented therapist. Her combination of warmth, compassion and knowledge of the Highly Sensitive Person makes her an expert in connection. The Intuitive Warrior program is an expression of her gifts and talents; so many will benefit from her work. She is truly an amazing human.

Presence and subtle attunement

Jamie K.

​Brooke has many therapeutic gifts but perhaps her greatest is her presence and subtle attunement to another's deepest emotions and unspoken needs. Her sensitive emphasis on repairing attachments, attending to woundedness and uncovering one's hidden or dormant strengths make her a skilled helper.

Now I appreciate what makes me, me

Jessica G.

The From Worrier-to-Warrior Program has given me the words to understand thoughts and feelings I've had my whole life, but couldn't quite put my finger on. Brooke has a naturally caring way of explaining how being an HSP affects your life, and she's given me tools I can use any time in any situation to feel calmer and more in control. It's also helped me better appreciate what makes me, me.

What will you learn from the program?

  • How to escape over-thinking so you can enjoy the present

  • Tools to stop absorbing others' moods and emotions

  • How to work WITH your genes to improve daily life

  • Strategies to supercharge your sensitive superpowers

  • How to move through your feelings quickly and effectively

  • What gives anxiety its power and how to pull the plug on it

  • How to stop beating yourself up and appreciate who (and how) you are


Enroll now and you'll get these additional life boosting trainings- FREE

  • 50 Powerful Affirmations for Highly Sensitive People

    Change your brain and thus your life with these affirmations specifically crafted for Highly Sensitive People. Science has proven that when we change our thoughts, our brain literally changes too. These statements will help alter the direction of your self-talk, allowing more positivity to flow within and from you. ($50 value)

  • How to Talk to Others about HSP

    Most people don't understand or know about Highly Sensitive People (even other HSPs!). This Bonus walks you through how to share or have conversations with people you'd like to understand the trait...and YOU!

  • Lifetime access and free updates to the course

    I regularly add new lessons and resources to the course to help you live your best life as a Highly Sensitive Person. You'll always have access to the most up-to-date information and strategies, for free, and I'll notify you whenever I add new goodies.


The From Worrier-to-Warrior Program comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. My wish is that your life will be forever changed by the powerful tools and principles in this program. And for that growth to take place, I expect you to put your best effort into reflecting, writing and taking action. That’s why in order to be eligible for my 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, you must submit proof that you did at least 6 modules worth of course work and it did not work for you. If you complete 6 modules-worth of course work, don’t feel that it worked for you and submit your work within 30 days of purchase, I’ll refund your course fee promptly. To clarify, if you don’t include your completed coursework requirements within the 30 day period, no refund will be issued.

In their words...

A game changer!

by Kelly R.

The Intuitive Warrior program was a game changer for me. Learning about the highly sensitive nervous system completely changed the way I see myself. Brooke is a natural leader, teacher, and coach. Her warmth and expertise are infused in every part of The Intuitive Warrior program. You won’t regret signing up!

A place to gather and empower HSPs

Sommer S.

Brooke is that rare someone I can be an open book with. She listens deeply and is extremely well read. I’ve seen her sincere dedication to others' growth evolve her into a true expert & pioneer in her field. Her Intuitive Warrior Program is such a natural outpouring of both her passion and expertise...a space to gather and empower all of us HSP’s.

This course IS for you if:

  • You love to learn and grow

  • You don't let anxiety stop you from learning more about yourself

  • You’re willing to self-reflect and explore your habits

  • You’re ready to feel more in control and excited about life

This course IS NOT for you if:

  • You’re looking for therapy (therapy is awesome, but this isn’t it)

  • You want a quick fix (there’s no such thing!)

  • You don’t like self-reflection

  • You’re perfectly happy with everything in your life and want it to stay exactly the same

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not all Highly Sensitive People are the same. How do you know this will apply to me?

    In my nearly 15 years of supporting HSPs, I've learned that while we have a broad range of personalities and life experiences, Highly Sensitive People share a common set of struggles and strengths.

  • You're covering a lot of topics...what if I feel overwhelmed?

    One thing that causes overwhelm is time pressure, but there's no rush to complete this course. You'll move through it at your own pace and in your own time. Someone who's done years of therapy will move at a different pace than someone who's never talked about their emotions before. However you engage with the program is just right, and you'll have access to the material for years to come.

  • Why take this course and not just read a book about HSPs?

    While a book can hold good information, it's pretty impersonal. This program presents the material in engaging videos (with me!) alongside worksheets that help you apply the material directly to your life. Also, unlike a book, you'll be able to ask me questions directly in the discussion section.

  • What does this course give me that I can't learn elsewhere?

    From Worrier-to-Warrior is one of the only courses created specifically to meet the needs of Highly Sensitive People. It would take curating countless books and articles and getting a graduate degree in psychology to learn all the information covered in this course!

  • What makes you think I need help with this?

    If you're struggling with over-thinking, absorbing others' feelings, or overwhelm, it's unlikely to go away on it's own. Just like an open wound needs to be dressed to heal, if you want to heal from your struggles, you need the right support.

  • Is it worth the cost?

    Consider it this way: how much time, energy, and suffering does your worry and being an emotional sponge cost you? If you're like most, you probably can't afford NOT to get support. Signing up for this course is an investment in yourself, your future and your happiness.

  • Is this a replacement for therapy?

    No. Nothing replaces therapy in terms of the individualized support it offers and the ability to address past and present wounds. If you're severely depressed, anxious or self-medicating (alcohol, drugs, compulsive eating/gambling/sex/spending/etc), for example, therapy is the appropriate intervention. If you're looking for feedback about specific circumstances in your life, therapy is also the way to go.

  • How long does the program take to complete?

    This program is self-guided, which means you can move through it at whatever pace works for you. You may learn one module every week or two, or you may spend a month(or more!) in each section. Similarly, you may speed up through some modules and slow down in others, and you may want to repeat the program after you're done to explore the material more deeply.

I looked at patterns in a new light

Christine T.

Brooke’s gentle nature and caring approach made it easy to open up to her and really look at what wasn’t working in my life. She made sure that I felt safe sharing things and never made me feel judged. She helped me look at different patterns in my life in a new light... which opened the door for me to make changes and heal from past emotional traumas. I really appreciate the time that I worked with Brooke, and her support helped me make positive changes in my life.

A safe space for transformation

Lara E.

Brooke's kindness and ability to listen are truly impressive. She creates a safe space which facilitates a deeper level of healing and transformation. The Intuitive Warrior program is a true expression of her skills and transformation, so many will benefit from her work. She is a true healer.

Brooke knows your path from the inside out

Tamra S

​Very few clinicians know Highly Sensitive People better than Brooke Nielsen. If you are ready to experience your relationships and life with courage, ease, and joy, then let her program guide you. She knows your path from the inside out.

Get Started Now

Don't waste any more time feeling anxious and overwhelmed. The support to step into your power as an Intuitive Warrior is here.